About Us

  We are a team of passionate lung health experts and enthusiasts who decided to join forces to create ShortnessofBreath.it. Our lineup includes experienced pulmonologists, public health specialists, scientists, medical journalists and technologists.

  Our mission, as well as our passion, is to provide the latest and most comprehensive information on pulmonary medicine. We want our site to be a place where every visitor will feel educated and inspired to take action for their lung health.

  Our vision is a society where everyone has access to reliable and up-to-date knowledge about lung health, and where breathing problems are not a barrier to living life to the fullest.

  ShortnessofBreath.it is not just a source of information - it is a community that supports and educates. As a result, we are confident that we can contribute to improving the quality of life for many people.

  Breathe well, live life to the fullest - we are ShortnessofBreath.it

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